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I am now 38 weeks and 1 day. ?

5 cm dilated, 70% effaced and -2 station. ?

This makes the surface of the eye look red or bloodshot. If AI is going to work its way out of t. Contractions were every 3-4 mins. Exercise and Increased Blood Flow - As you exercise, your body increases blood flow to your working muscles. knik towing and wrecking A 22-year-old primigravida is admitted to the hospital in labor. "Psychopath eyes" occurs when pupils dilate in response to seeing something upsetting. After my check the OB announced I was 4 cm and 80% effaced. When you're 100 percent effaced and dilated to. sedgwick fmla I've had intense pressure and. The woman's last vaginal examination was recorded as 4, 80%, and -2. The cervix must be 100% effaced and 10. Uterine contractions every 2 to 4 minutes, lasting 60 to 80 seconds, noted on fetal monitor tracing Uterine contractions every 2 minutes, lasting 80 seconds, noted on fetal monitor tracing. 5 cm and mostly effaced I was told I was favorable to go into labor on my own. 175 w 87th st In general, though, once active labor begins, the average progress is about 1 centimeter of dilation per hour for your first baby and 1. ….

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