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don hett 6 black cow 1428 83. ?

Selling right rib cattle brand - double standing quarte?

00 dan jordan 2 black cow 1315 104. February 14, 2022 01:00 PM; Faith Livestock Commission - Faith, South Dakota. 50 CAL PETERSON 8 BLACK HFR 852 154. Location: Faith Livestock Auction, Faith, South Dakota. 50 3 rd/blk cow 1310 100. ed vanderbilt This made a great combination. Phone: (605) 967-2203 Fax: (605) 967-2203 AKA. 00 dan jordan 2 black cow 1315 104. 00 sd consignor 5 black cow 1175 93. 25 33 black str calf 406 194. hotels near greyhound station chicago Fax 605-967-2203 Dace Harper 605-515-1535 Office Staff: Karleen Drum & Julie Foster Fieldmen: Max Loughlin 605-645- 2583. I agree to indemnify the above named market against any and all claims, losses, cost and expenses including reasonable attorney's fees that. sd consignor 103 blk/bwf str calf 526 183. May 26, 2023 · TSLN Rep: Scott Dirk Date of Sale: April 22, 2023 Location: Faith Livestock Auction, Faith, SD Auctioneer: Doug Dietterle Averages:48 Two Year Old Angus Bulls – $7,298 Monday brought an excellent sale for Gary and Lori. wood burner tractor supply 50 9 blk/bwf cow 1379 71. ….

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